
  • How to sandwich
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition

    How to sandwich

    Making a sandwich is very simple but if you rely on a sandwich as a meal you might be doing it wrong. In this article you will learn how to sandwich using components that will cover your nutritional needs. How to sandwich In its simplest form, a sandwich is a filling between 2 slices of bread. This is fine as a snack or as part of a meal. However, if you are having a sandwich as a main meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) you want to make sure it is substantial and nutritious. The bread Normally, the bread is the main carbohydrate-containing component of a sandwich. For most people in…

  • Common weight loss mistakes
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition

    Common weight loss mistakes

    When embarking on a weight loss journey, it’s essential to navigate with care to avoid common weight loss mistakes that can hinder progress. Common weight loss mistakes The reasons why people struggle to lose weight are not the same for everyone. Each person comes with their own mix of biological, psychological, behavioural and environmental factors. However, if weight loss is difficult for you, chances are you are making one or more of the mistakes below. Drinking your calories Drinking calories is way easier and less satiating than eating calories. Most people will recognise soft drinks and alcoholic beverages as empty calories. However, there are other beverages such as juice, coffees…

  • Anzac biscuits with protein
    Blog,  Food,  Nutrition

    Gluten-free Anzac biscuits: A comparison

    Anzac Day (25 April) is a remembrance day for the fallen Australia and New Zealand soldiers. As with many other holidays, there is a special treat associated with Anzac Day: the Anzac biscuit. Although Anzac biscuits are available year-round in grocery stores, you will see an increase right after the previous holiday (Easter). Anzac biscuits are made with wheat flour and rolled oats, which are not gluten-free due to contamination during growing and processing. Gluten-free alternatives are either made with other ingredients or uncontaminated oats. Very recently, there has been a change in recommendations regarding oats and Coeliac disease, by which uncontaminated oats may be consumed monitoring for symptoms. Some…

  • How to fuel for a BJJ competition
    Blog,  Diet,  Nutrition,  Sports nutrition

    How to fuel for a BJJ competition

    There are several factors to consider when deciding how to fuel for a BJJ competition, some of which are outside of your control. This is a guide for recreational BJJ players who are interested in improving their performance in competitions. Elite level athletes will benefit from a more detailed nutrition plan specific to their physical characteristics, training program, among other factors. Why is it tricky to fuel for a BJJ competition? First, most competitions require you to weigh in on the day, which means there you will not have time to rehydrate and regain weight (if you have cut weight) before your fights. Second, matches can go for the whole…

  • What does 80-20 look like
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition

    What does 80-20 look like?

    For many people, shooting for an 80-20 split of “healthy” vs “unhealthy” meals allows them to have some flexibility while still meeting their goals. But what does 80-20 look like? 80-20 vs 90-10 80-20 and 90-10 are common ways some people define how strict their diets are. These numbers refer to the percentage of meals that are “good” vs “bad” or “healthy” vs “unhealthy”. However, many people who throw those numbers around don’t actually quantify their meals. They say “I eat about 80% healthy” but when you ask them to look at their day-to-day diet they realise it’s more like 70-30 or 60-40. Allowing for a percentage of “unhealthy” meals…

  • The post-workout meal
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition,  Sports nutrition

    The post-workout meal

    By definition, the post-workout meal is whatever an athlete consumes after exercising. The main purpose of this meal is to help with repair and recovery. The post-workout meal The purpose of the post-exercise meal is to replenish: Timing Out of the 3 goals of the post-workout meal, the most pressing is rehydration. Replenishing fluids and electrolytes lost via sweat should be as quickly as possible after training or competition to prevent detrimental health consequences. The replenishment of both glycogen and muscle protein happens in the several hours after exercise. For example, the “anabolic window”, i.e. the period of time in which protein turnover is maximised in the muscles after exercise…

  • How to eat 30 plants a week
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition

    How to eat 30 plants a week

    Eating a variety of foods, in particular plant foods, is essential for gut health. This is because plants contain prebiotic fibre, polyphenols and other components that can improve the health of our gut via their effects on our gut microbes. Why 30 plants a week? This is the number that has been assigned as a ballpark target by gut health experts to ensure enough variety. Much as 8 glasses of water per day or 10K steps per day, there is nothing magical about the number 30, other than bringing you close to the optimal consumption of beneficial plant components. The concept of eating 30 plant a week is not only…

  • Kefir banana smoothie
    Blog,  Diet,  Health,  Nutrition

    Bananas in smoothies yay or nay?

    If you follow health and nutrition news, you might have heard that you should never put bananas in smoothies. In this article, we will attempt to answer the question: Bananas in smoothies, yay or nay? A recent study found that pureed bananas (as in smoothies) have increased activity of an enzyme that degrades a type of polyphenols (1). Among health and nutrition experts, Dr Rhonda Patrick PhD is one of the most credible sources that has brought this research to people’s attention in the past few weeks. Check out the clips below: Below are some examples of media headlines for the same study: The study The research paper (1) included…

  • The pre-workout meal
    Blog,  Diet,  Nutrition,  Sports nutrition

    The pre-workout meal

    By definition, the pre-workout meal is whatever an athlete consumes before exercising. The main purpose of this meal is to provide fuel for the upcoming effort. Depending on the exercise demands, this meal can also serve in part as recovery and preparation for the following session. Even if the pre-workout meal doesn’t really improve your performance via physiological mechanisms, it might do the trick because it eliminates the distraction of exercising while hungry. The pre-workout meal Timing In an ideal world, you want to start exercise with fuel in the tank. This means having a meal 2-4 hours before training or competition, however there are exceptions: Composition Quantity The size…

  • 24 things to try in 2024
    Blog,  Diet,  Fitness,  Health,  Nutrition

    24 things to try in 2024

    Another year has begun, and with it 365 opportunities to make it your best year yet. Whether you are looking for novelty or a little help to kickstart healthy habits, here are 24 things to try in 2024. 24 things to try in 2024 1. Eat differently If you normally eat with cutlery, try to eat with your hands. If you normally eat with your hands, try cutlery. 2. Eat 30 plant foods every week, at least for a month, ideally most days of the year 30 (per week) is the proposed magic number to optimise gut bacteria diversity. Herbs, spices, nuts, seeds, coffee and tea count. 3. Try a…